TF Launches Plantation Campaign in Pirchinasi, AJK

Muzaffarabad: 28th February 2024 – TF launched a dynamic tree planting campaign through the Village Conservation Committees (VCCs) formed by TF during the past two years around ten government schools in Pir Chinasi, AJK.  This initiative serves as a supplementary effort to bolster the ongoing “Youth Empowerment and Energy Conservation for Supporting STEM, NRM, and Rural Development” project spearheaded by the TF field office, partially supported by the Islamic Development Bank.

Aiming to protect biodiversity, the Department of Forests, GoAJK, provided in-kind assistance  of thousands of saplings, amplifying efforts to preserve the region’s rich biodiversity. Graced by the support of Mr. Maqbool Manzoor, Chief Conservator of Forests (Development) at GoAJK, this campaign underscores a collective commitment to sustainable development in Pir Chinasi.

The participation of students, teachers, and VCCs in the tree planting campaign underscores a grassroots commitment to environmental conservation. As saplings found their new homes in the fertile soil of Pir Chinasi, pledges were made to nurture and safeguard these fledgling flora, embodying the spirit of the ongoing project’s objectives.

This week’s tree planting campaign not only serves as a testament to the community’s dedication to environmental preservation but also represents a significant stride towards realizing the broader goals of youth empowerment and sustainable development in Pir Chinasi. As the project continues to unfold, such collaborative efforts promise to leave a mark on the landscape, fostering a legacy of environmental consciousness for generations to come.