TF Grammar School Kohlu wins prizes in Quiz/Speech Competition

Co-curricular activities are part of the education system, which enhances learning and leadership skills in students to promote their unexplored abilities. On Iqbal Day celebrations, FC School & College Kohlu, organized a district-wide Quiz/Speech competition. Only 3 students TF Grammar School Kohlu participated, and all won the prizes. Ms. Spozhmai from 7th grade got the first position in a speech titled “Iqbal K Shaheen”. She got Medal, Trophy, and a 15000 cash prize. In the Quiz competition, Muhammad Younas (7th grade) and Muhammad Akmal (8th grade) both got the third

position. They got a medal plus a 5000 cash prize. Their prizes made the school faculty proud and encouraged other students to be part of these types of healthy and competitive activities.