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Other Assignments

Sr.NoOther Assignments
1Need Assessment of formal education for boys and girls in the tribal districts of Balochistan: Government of Balochistan – 1991
2Need Assessment for replicating the qualitative education model developed by Taaleem Foundation in Kohlu – Balochistan): Government of Balochistan – 1991
3Situational Analysis of examination system in Balochistan with a view to introduce testing reforms: BEF – 1995
4Benchmark Setting for improving quality education in public sector primary education system: Balochistan Education Foundation – 1996
5Training Need Assessment of the teaching staff at Taaleem Foundation Grammar School System in Balochistan: BEF – 1997
6Need Assessment of the Situation for enhancing access to girls education in Balochistan: World Bank – 1998
7Situational Analysis of curriculum revision needs for Primary Education in Balochistan: World Bank – 1998
8Urban Fellowship Girls School Project (Enhancing of girls enrolment in Urban Areas of Balochistan): World Bank – 1998
9Situational Analysis of rural economy of Malakand Region (Swat, Buner, Malakand and Shangla districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) with a view to devise women-responsive gender strategy and poverty alleviation interventions: ADB – 2001
10Desk Review and compilation of report on “Gender Strategy” for Malakand Rural Development Project: ADB – 2001
11Capacity Building of Election Staff (Training of local government staff for conduct of general elections): UNDP – 2002
12Institutional and Infrastructure strengthening of Taaleem Foundation education system through the support provided by Balochistan Education Foundation: 1999-till date
13Benchmark/ Baseline Setting for Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) Welfare Trust Scholarship Scheme for the students of Balochistan, desirous of Secondary and Higher Secondary education in the boarding schools of Pakistan: PPL – 2010
14Benchmarking for integrating the students of TF Grammar School System Balochistan with Pak-Turk Schools and Colleges in Pakistan: Pak-Turk Education Foundation – 2010
15Need Assessment for establishing a Girls Vocational Training Centre at Sui (District Dera Bugti – Balochistan): Pakistan Petroleum Limited – 2012
16Need Assessment for establishing a private virtual campus of “Virtual University” in Sui (District DeraBugti – Balochistan): 2013
17Conduct of Teachers training for the school teachers of both public and private sector schools in Zhob district of Balochistan in collaboration with Intel Corporation Pakistan: Intel – 2013
18Training of Trainers for the Principals and management support staff of TF School System, in collaboration with Intel Corporation Pakistan: Intel – 2014
19Training on Financial Management for non-financial managers in collaboration with Intel Corporation Pakistan and NCRD (National Centre for Rural Development): Intel – 2014
20Training on School Management for the management staff of TF Grammar School System, in collaboration with NCRD (National Centre for Rural Development: NCRD – 2014
21‘Baseline Survey’ of the ‘Out of School Children’ (OOSC) in Islamabad Capital Territory, supported by UNESCO in 2017
22Organizing a series of radio programs for promoting enrolment of OOSC in Islamabad Capital Territory, supported by UNESCO during 2017-2019
23Developing Training Manual on Community and School based Stakeholders Training on School Improvement, supported by UNESCO in 2018
24‘Assessment Survey’ of OOSC in Islamabad capital Territory, supported by UNESCO in 2018
25‘Social Impact Assessment-I’ of CSR interventions of PPL in the operational areas of Sui (Balochistan), Adhi (Punjab) and Kandhkot (Sindh) in 2018
26‘Training Need Assessment Report’ for the beneficiaries of Gomal Zam Dam Command Area in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, supported by USAID and Government of KPK in 2018
27‘Social Mobilization Strategy’ for Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, supported by USAID and Government of KPK in 2018
28‘Gender Strategy for Formation and Capacity Building of Women Interest Groups’ in Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, supported by USAID and Government of KPK in 2018
29‘Tracer Study’ on TVET graduates in Sui, Balochistan. Supported by GIZ Germany in 2019
30‘Social Impact Assessment-II’ of CSR interventions of PPL in the operational areas of Sui (Balochistan), Adhi (Punjab) and Kandhkot (Sindh) in 2019
31‘Training Manual for Training of Trainers in Agriculture and Livestock Sectors’ for Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, supported by USAID and the Government of KPK in 2019
32‘Reactivation Strategy for Water Users Associations’ for Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, supported by USAID and Government of KPK in 2020

Social Mobilization

Social Mobilization & Capacity Building of Farmersin Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project

Project LocationDera Ismail Khan and Tank districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Project CostUSD 2.39 Million only
ClientGovernment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Funding AgencyUnited States Assistance for International Development (USAID)
Project DurationFebruary 2018 to June 2021
Scope of Worko   Organizing the communities living along the water courses to form associationso   Formation of Water Users Association (WUA) for each water courseo   Account opening for each Water Users Association (WUA)o   Organizing Women Interest Groups (WIG) at village levelo   Assessment of training needs of the farmers (TNA)o   Preparation of training programs for farmers
Project Objectiveso   Mobilize water users in Gomal Zam Canal Command Area for effective and efficient management of irrigation to increase the income level of farming community and quality of life to increase their access to social sector services as contribution towards attainment of sustainable development goalso   Increase knowledge and skills of farming community in acceptance and adoption of modern technologies of crop production and animal husbandryo   Increase access and create linkages among community organizations, line departments, markets and service providerso   Enable 393 WUAs to operate and maintain the irrigation system
Farmers’ Training Areaso   Operation and Maintenance of watercourseo   Preparation of water distribution roster (warabandi),o   Irrigation managemento   Irrigated agriculture with application of fertilizerso   Integrated pest managemento   Crop protection by less use of chemicalso   Cropping patterno   Productivity enhancemento   Value addition in the farmso   Marketing and market linkageso   Environmental awareness
Training of Women Interest Groupso   Poultry farmingo   Dairy processingo   Kitchen gardeningo   Value addition

Girls Right to Education Project

Project LocationIslamabad Capital Territory, Islamabad
Project CostPKR 25 Million
ClientFederal Directorate of Education, Government of Pakistan
Funding AgencyUNESCO
Project Duration3 years
Scope of Worko   Social mobilization of communitieso   Awareness seminars and road shows on educationo   Enrolment of the ‘Out of School Children’ in government schoolso   Retention of newly enrolled students in schoolso   Training of teachers and related workshopso   Formation and operationalization of ‘School Management Committees’o   Provision of missing facilities in schoolso   Provision of sports kits and promoting tournamentso   Organizing study tours and exposure visitso   Hiring and deployment of 52 teachers in government schoolso   Deployment of e-Learning platform and provision of e-School services in selected schoolso   Continuous coordination with UNESCO, FDE, teachers and the communities

Skills & Livelihood

Name of ClientName of Assignment/ProjectPeriod of Assignment/ProjectStatus of the Assignment / Project
Rehmat FoundationTransforming Female Graduates into Home Based EntrepreneursOctober 2023 to September 2024Ongoing
Government of BalochistanOperations and maintenance of Technical Training Center at KharanApril 2023 to
March 2028
Islamic Development BankEnhancing Community’s Resilience through Youth Empowerment and Energy Conservation for Supporting STEM, NRM, and Rural DevelopmentMarch 2022 to February 2024Ongoing
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and USAIDSocial Mobilization and Capacity Building of Farmers under Gomal Zam Dam (GZD) Commend Area Development Project Dec, 2018 to Dec 2021Completed
Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL)Empowering rural women on sustainable livelihood solutionsMarch 2017 – June 2023Completed
GIZ, GermanyTechnical and vocational training for employable skillsJan 2018 to Dec 2019Completed
National Vocational and Technical Training Commission Empowering Women for Sustainable LivelihoodJanuary – Sept 2017Completed
National Vocational and Technical Training CommissionEmpowering Women for Sustainable LivelihoodJanuary – Sept 2017Completed
National Vocational and Technical Training CommissionEmpowering Women for Sustainable LivelihoodApril – Sept 2016Completed
Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL)Construction of Vocational Training Institute, SuiJanuary 2013-2015Completed

Health & Hygiene

Name of ClientName of Assignment/ProjectPeriod of Assignment / ProjectStatus of the Assignment / Project
The Global Fund, Geneva, SwitzerlandCHBC (Community and Home Based Care Centre), Muzaffarabad, AJKOctober 2015 to Dec 2017Completed
Corporate CSR Funds + Private DonationsEstablishment of e-Clinic at Quetta, BalochistanApr-15Completed
The Global Fund, Geneva, SwitzerlandCHBC (Community and Home based Care Centre), Quetta, BalochistanOctober 2014 to Dec 2017Completed
District Governments in BalochistanVaccination against polio and measles to the students of TF Grammar School SystemJuly 2011 – Till DateContinued
Public Private Partnership + Private DonationsSchool Health Services (SHS) for the students of TF Grammar School System in Balochistan1991 – Till DateOngoing
National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)Promoting Education and SHS at TF Grammar School, Muslim BaghDecember 2014 to December 2017Completed
National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)Promoting Education and SHS at TF Grammar School, Kila SaifullahDecember 2014 to December 2017Completed